Au revoir Paris et Bonjour Colmar!

We ended our stay in Paris on a high note visiting two UNESCO world heritage sites: Chartres Cathedral and the Versailles Palace, after which we experienced first hand the proud and joy-filled Parisian streets following France’ victory over Belgium securing them a place in the World Cup finals.

Dernier petit pique-nique parisien
Palais de Versailles
Vue sur les jardins de Versailles
Watching the match over dinner en terrasse d’une brasserie. Allez les bleus!

After nearly 6 days in the beautiful bustling capital, we have made our way to Colmar; an enchanting Alsacien city only 20 km from the Germany border. Upon arrival, students met their excited host families and soon thereafter bid farwell to the Putney group to empart upon an individual immersive experience that would truly put their knowledge of French to the test!

This weekend students spent time getting to know their host families and soaking in the distinct Alsacien culture, attended outdoor concerts as a part of the Festival International de Colmar, celebrated Bastille day, and learned a myriad of chants from the relentless soccer fans as France took the title as champions of the 2018 world cup against Croatia.

Concert en plein air(Photo cred: Amy)
La fierté française avec Quetzal, Yale, Gabby et Kayley! (Photo cred: Kayley)
?Aux armes! Nous sommes les français! Et nous allons gagner! ⚽(Photo cred: Kayley)
? On est les champions! On est les champions! On est, on est, on est le champions!⚽ (Photo cred: Amy)

Colmar’s architecture and cuisine speaks for itself, reflectings centuries of French and Germanic influence in terms of style, building materials and ingredients.

Des coeurs partout
Petite Venise
La biscuiterie

Tarte flambée (Photo cred: Bailey)

-Jessamine & Michael