Aix en Provence

One long train later and we successfully arrived in Aix en Provence! Our new favorite place! First stop: dîner au Bidule in Place des Cardeurs!

The next morning we had breakfast and headed straight to la Fondation Vasarely– an amazing museum showcasing the work of the father of optical art, Victor Vasarely.

The evening was spent learning all about la cuisine provençal with Régis and Henri at Atelier Culinarion! Bon appetit!

We couldn’t visit Aix without an excursion to the nearby Arles and Pont du Gard! Arles was home to Vincent van Gogh during only 15 months but during this time, the artist created over 300 works of art! While in Arles, we wandered around the market and followed a walking tour indicating where some of van Gogh’s most famous paintings were made. After that we picnicked, headed to Colias and then kayaked all the way to Pont du Gard-a Roman a! Such a beautiful day!

-Jessamine & Michael